Multiple "sales" of EAR 324?

My offer on the listed EAR 324 Phono Amp was accepted on Monday 4-7, and I sent Paypal immediately. I now see another Audiogon member has just left negative feedback for the same seller on a Phono Amp sale, and I'm wondering if the seller sold the EAR three times on Monday, to three separate buyers. Will the other two buyers come forward?
Jmcgrogan2 =1

No feedback + amazing price = look elsewhere, especially for more expensive and in demand items.

Another tell is short or generic ad text combined with the above.

If you see stuff like this, please do report it. Agon can sort it out if you are wrong.

I sometimes trade with low feedback people; I'm not a heavy trader myself, and everybody has to start somewhere. I do my homework (eg, do the post to threads?), and always try to speak with them on the phone.

Paypal is a PITA, IMO, but seems to be mandatory these days.

Sorry for your trouble!
Post removed 
Josh got back to me today. The seller has seven ID's attached to his computer! Yeah, I won't be seeing the pre-amp. I'll call Paypal again after today, and start the process. I have 935 feedbacks on ebay (as buyer and seller), haven't had a single scam. I'm fairly new to Audiogon, and my cherry has been popped!
"But then again, if they were bright they probably would set their sights higher than $1,000 pieces of hi-fi gear."

I wonder about this. Hard to see how there could be much money in it. At the same time, they know or research enough to pick high interest pieces as bait.

Is it just that the risk of prosecution is so low it is worth a shot, for the criminally inclined?
"High interest pieces" is the thing. The guy picks the EAR 324 Phono Amp, a pretty esoteric item, as his bait. How would a guy like this even know about an item like the EAR?!