Multiple "sales" of EAR 324?

My offer on the listed EAR 324 Phono Amp was accepted on Monday 4-7, and I sent Paypal immediately. I now see another Audiogon member has just left negative feedback for the same seller on a Phono Amp sale, and I'm wondering if the seller sold the EAR three times on Monday, to three separate buyers. Will the other two buyers come forward?
Bpd24, welcome to Audiogon! It didn't used to be like this, but has gotten progressively worse. The last 6-12 months have really seen a huge increase in scammers. I'm glad you used PayPal.

They seem to like the $1000 price range, as it makes them some money, but it's not too much money. Folks are more likely to want to make phone calls and personal contact on $5K, $10K deals, IMHO. $1000 is about the most that folks will just zip off a payment without too much scrutiny.

They throw out the bait, take a half dozen bites, and move on to a new moniker. Figure they get $5000-$8000 for nothing more than the cost of a $4 ad.
Fairly good ROI, enough to keep them posting more ads.
It's too bad Audiogon doesn't have a way of noticing a member has seven ID's on the same computer until after he does this.
Bdp24,Sorry to hear about this. Hope you get your money back quickly. Was he a long standing member with great feedback,,or a newbee with little or no feedback ?
He was new Ray, no feedback. I didn't notice, and I'm not sure that would have stopped me, lusting as I was for a 324. Having had over fifteen years on ebay with not a single scam, I wasn't aware this kind of activity was being perpetrated. As the old expression goes, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is!