Multiple "sales" of EAR 324?

My offer on the listed EAR 324 Phono Amp was accepted on Monday 4-7, and I sent Paypal immediately. I now see another Audiogon member has just left negative feedback for the same seller on a Phono Amp sale, and I'm wondering if the seller sold the EAR three times on Monday, to three separate buyers. Will the other two buyers come forward?
That was quick Al! I did report that listing, but I did not expect such quick action by Audiogon, especially on a weekend.

There have been a rash of these ads on Audiogon just in 2015. I'm sure Audiogon is working overtime just trying to keep pace with these crooks. Good job Audiogon!!
Bdp24,Hope you get your money back soon! I can't imagine the let down you must have felt!
Thanks Ray. You can't request a reimbursement (after having already filed a claim with Paypal) until five days after the Paypal transaction, to give Paypal a chance to contact the seller for a response. I'll do that tomorrow.
Well, it took two weeks, but Paypal credited my account the full amount, saying they had recovered the money from the seller. Now I know what to look for. Speaking of which, there is a new listing for an SME V Magnesium for $1100, the buyer having become an Audiogon member as of 4-25-15.
Or you could buy it here!