This thread was started by Art80342, not me and relates to the Vandersteen 2ceSig2's.
Vandersteen recommends between 30 and 200 watts for the 5a's. I think it fairly reasonable to expect the 5's with their built in amplified subs in less need of external power than the 2's. Vandersteen cautions about over amplifying.
FWIW, when possible I like to use the maximum recommended power, but always fall back on the old audiohphile suggestion of using at least double the manufacturers' recommended minimum power recommendation.
Vandersteen recommends between 30 and 200 watts for the 5a's. I think it fairly reasonable to expect the 5's with their built in amplified subs in less need of external power than the 2's. Vandersteen cautions about over amplifying.
FWIW, when possible I like to use the maximum recommended power, but always fall back on the old audiohphile suggestion of using at least double the manufacturers' recommended minimum power recommendation.