Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.

THere is a teaser on their website. Looks beautiful if you can make out the images. I think it is a step up from the WP generation. Maybe a replacement.
That's a better answer Fyski. I didn't twist anything..jus wanted clarity. FYI, I've had the $20K cable rigs from Transparent and trust me, they are not Transparent sounding..especially when used as a complete solution. They still have that signature closed in/claustrophobic sound compared to MIT or Cardas etc... The MXR amps also have a slightly dark character up top. so no wonder you experienced a sense of opacity or darkness in the demo system:O_
Wilson brings out the best& worst in posting..love em/ hate em debate..On the positive side the W/P 7 & 8 are now being dumped big time(anything below the WP7 is at Walmart prices with very little takers) assuming your interested..
Is this opposite day or are you guys smoking something extra special? I re-read my question and subsequent posts and for the life of me, cannot figure out how I was twisting anyones words. I have owned Wilsons and have enjoyed them immensely, but when someone mentions a characteristic of a speaker in couched language I just may want to understand what the details of the comment are...is that clear class? What a freakin bunch of mindless twits...ugh!!
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Having Auditioned extensively most of the Wilsons and owned Maxx 2 and now Alexandria X2.2s, the darker on top comment makes perfect sense to me. Previous Wilson's I have heard (especially the WP7) were bright on top with the wrong accompanying equipment. They have progressively worked that characteristic out of the line. The Sofias were the first I noticed this on. Then the WP8's. My Alexandrias are quite a bit "darker on top" than the Maxx2's. There are probably better words one could use to describe this. They are similar to Tara Zero's in this respect. They somehow manage to deliver all the detail but in a more relaxed presentation.