Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.

THere is a teaser on their website. Looks beautiful if you can make out the images. I think it is a step up from the WP generation. Maybe a replacement.
I think that what you have heard was for the most part a difference between Ayre and Mac electronics driving them.
You may be right. I did not mix and match. i could see tube monos and pre being more forgiving. The sasha's did sound fantastic. But the big revelation was the magnepan 3.6 on a string quartet. My god! The notes attack, the body, the decay, just floated out there. So palpable. It was like time was slowed down. I wish I could have a pair just for chamber music! Believe the system was Mac solid state amp and pre, rega cd player.

Just out of curiosity, did you audition the speakers in Cincy? Your description of the equipment sounds exactly like what I heard at Audible Elegance. They had the Sashas driven by Mac 2301 tube amps, the 3.6's driven by Mac 402 solid state, and the Sophia II's.

My impressions were very similar to yours, although I thought the Sashas were a little loose on the bottom end with the Mac tube amps. I actually ended up buying the Sashas and am using a Mac 402 solid state amp which has better control of the bass.


Dave Neumann
Louisville KY
Robertd- I agree with Elberoth2. Were the Sophia II's driven by Ayre V5xe? I auditioned the W/P 7 & 8 with the Ayre V5xe and had the same experience. However, auditioned the W/P8's with the Ayre MX-R and it was a whole new ball game IMO.

Elberoth2--I have Sasha's as well. How is the Nagra VPA with the Sasha's?

That's where I heard them. What a speaker! Congrats. I didn't have a problem with the bass with the tubes, just really really appreciated it.