Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.

THere is a teaser on their website. Looks beautiful if you can make out the images. I think it is a step up from the WP generation. Maybe a replacement.
Robertd- I agree with Elberoth2. Were the Sophia II's driven by Ayre V5xe? I auditioned the W/P 7 & 8 with the Ayre V5xe and had the same experience. However, auditioned the W/P8's with the Ayre MX-R and it was a whole new ball game IMO.

Elberoth2--I have Sasha's as well. How is the Nagra VPA with the Sasha's?

That's where I heard them. What a speaker! Congrats. I didn't have a problem with the bass with the tubes, just really really appreciated it.
For the last week or so I have been driving my W/P Sasha with a lil Krell S300i integrated. The amp sounds GREAT with those speakers, absoulutely no problem with driving them to high SPL.

I just though I would share this piece of info in this thread, since so many ppl (me included) have worried that W/P Sasha would be very difficoult to drive. I guess they are not the easiest load, but they are not THAT hard to drive as specs may suggest. If $2500 integrated can drive them without problems, then almost any HQ poweramp should be up to the task.

BTW - S300i is a great lil amp. MUCH better than the 400xi it replaced, very un-Krell like. If you need an integrated for your office/second system, this one is worth checking out !