Speakers for Celeste 4070SE -4002 Preamp

Hi Guys:
Setting up a second system based on the Celeste 4070SE-4002 combo. My musical interest is smooth jazz and classical, could I get some recommendations for either floor standing, or monitors under $1500. If it's any help my room is 11x 18 ft.
Thanks Ross
Any Meadowlark floorstander would do that amp proud. I used to run one with Meadowlark Shearwaters.

Later on, after you got your speakers, the next upgrade would be the preamp.
Hi Tobias:
Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure that I want to buy Meadowlark speakers not because I don't think they would sound good, is just that the company is out of business and if I ever needed to get them repaired for some reason not sure if parts would be an easy find here in Canada. Could you please tell me why you would upgrade the Amp, is it that bad.
Thanks Ross
Hi Ross. At the time your 4-series electronics were made, SimAudio had not yet found out how to build a great preamp. Things are different today, of course.

Your W-4070SE amp was a terrific bargain at its retail price and it is the better of your two pieces. That's why I said that in the future, you should plan to upgrade the *preamp* first. It is good, but not at the level of the power amp.

You won't know that until you listen, of course, so good luck with your speakers!