Speakers for Celeste 4070SE -4002 Preamp

Hi Guys:
Setting up a second system based on the Celeste 4070SE-4002 combo. My musical interest is smooth jazz and classical, could I get some recommendations for either floor standing, or monitors under $1500. If it's any help my room is 11x 18 ft.
Thanks Ross
Hi Ross. At the time your 4-series electronics were made, SimAudio had not yet found out how to build a great preamp. Things are different today, of course.

Your W-4070SE amp was a terrific bargain at its retail price and it is the better of your two pieces. That's why I said that in the future, you should plan to upgrade the *preamp* first. It is good, but not at the level of the power amp.

You won't know that until you listen, of course, so good luck with your speakers!
I run Triangle Antal's with an I-5 LE and like the combo a lot. The little stand-mount 2 way Triangle's were a big hit a few years ago and can be found on Agon. I've also heard Amphion's with Sim gear that are in your price range.
The little standmount 2-way Triangles... those would be the Comète I think. They are excellent at their price point but note their sensitivity is 90 or 91 dB, which is more than the 4070SE absolutely needs. ( I run a pair of Triangle Titus SE, smaller than the Comète but also standmount, with a 25 WPC tube amp. )

Ross, if it were me and I didn't want to risk a Meadowlark, I would look to Audio Physik ; maybe the Tempo or the Step.