moving coil speaker for tubes

hi, who makes a good speaker that works with tubes ? I am talking about pushpull tube amps, rogue audio m150 monos. 150 wpc . I really like the sound of revel speakers, they are very open sounding and low distortion which is good, but it is not an ideal match with tubes. what out there would work well ? there seems to be lots of speakers made for single ended tube amps, but most of these that I have heard are very colored sounding. any sugestions would be much help ! thanks, chris
Try to stay with ones whose impedance does not go too low and who can be driven by your amp. You can check this by looking at their rated efficiency. Each 3db increase in output requires doubling the power. But the choice is very wide and will depend on personal preference. Spendors work well with tubes as do many others.
Those amps should do well with just about any speaker; so long as the speakers are not terribly ineficient, or a very low ohm load.