Can you get "bookshelf sound" from a floorstander?

Listened to B&W's 6 series and much prefered the 686 and 685 to the more expensive floorstanders. I'm a junkie for clear and coherent vocals and the floorstanders seemed to muddy the sound.
Listened to Dynaudio Focus 110s and loved them. Compared them to the Contour 5.4s and I loved the top end of them even more than the Focus' but was again bothered by what I want to call an incoherence... lack of focus... integration... with the low end.

Owned Totem Arros and Dreamcatcher monitors with Dreamcatcher sub and prefered the dreamcatcher monitors over the Arros and without the sub, too.

Am I just a bookshelf guy? Was it my choice of floorstanders? Setup? Anyone have better words to describe what I'm trying to say? I certainly love the low end and dynamic grunt of the big ones but not at such expense.
I had the VSM SE and used all Cardas cables along with an Audio Research LS25 preamp and various amps, including the ARC VT100, the VT100MKII, a Rowland Model 2 and Rowland Model 10. When I switched to the Dunlavy SC-IV/A it was a HUGE improvement. Bobby told me my amp and preamp were not good matches for the Merlin. Anyway, the room wasn't the problem -- and it was not heavily damped.

So, Marty, please tell us about your associated equipment. Also, are you a fan of pro audio gear? I get the impression that you are, and that's an entirely different world compared to the refinement that I seek in a strictly two-channel system.

From what you write, it's doubtful that you've heard a phase- and time-coherent speaker -- like the Dunlavy, Vandersteen, Thiel or Von Schweikert. These speakers truly disappear. When I had the Merlins, a non-audio friend (but a music lover) said he could hear the tweeter and midrange/woofer drivers distinctly (separately). That's not a good thing.

I have nothing but praise for Bobby's commitment to excellence and his customer service. I just think he's pushed a small two-way design to its limit -- plus you can do a lot better for less money. I'd look to Totem for openers.
9rw, the vsm se was voiced around se triodes and is now, a 10 to 12 year old product. it has been out of production for at least 9 years. the millennium, the mm and the mme were listened to extensively with ss and tube amps and sound very different than the se. i'll bet you you had an ac bam. as i said we have gone a long way since you have listened to our product. the vt 100 was a great amp but the pre was not indicative of what you could have had for sound.
none the less, imho it is pointless to discuss the sound of a product that has not been made for almost 10 years and present it like it has a bearing on current production.
best, b
9rw, the vsm se was voiced around se triodes and is now, a 10 to 12 year old product. it has been out of production for at least 9 years. the millennium, the mm and the mme were listened to extensively with ss and tube amps and sound very different than the se. the later models are more room filling and coherent. you may have even had an early ac bam. as i said, we have gone a long way since you have listened to our product.
the vt 100 was and is a great amp but the pre was not indicative of what you could have had for sound.
none the less, imho it is pointless to discuss the sound of a product that has not been made for almost 10 years and present it like it has a bearing on current production.
best, b
Bobby: It's still a speaker that isn't phase- and time-coherent. Plus you equalize it to achieve your desired results and upgrade it continuously, making all previous models virtually worthless in the audio world. Also, the cost is prohibitive compared to the competition. Be totally objective and listen to a pair of Totem Arros -- at about 1/10th of the price. Then ask yourself if your speaker represents a good value.

The ARC LS25 was actually highly regarded and still is by many members of Audiogon.

Again, your passion is admirable, but the speakers you made many years ago were better.
9rw, you are entitled to your opinion but imho, you are very wrong.
the vsm is now a very mature and finshed design and is capable of remarkably life like sound with little or no distortion. there are different kinds of coherence and perhaps if you had heard one of the latest models you would understand what i am emplying. i equalize and filter bandwidth to control distortion components which all speakers are riddled with. the things that you did not like about the se are maybe, not there any longer.
but how would you know.
best, b