Focal Utopia III

With an abundance of used speakers for sale on Audiogon, I wonder if any long-time Focal owners are moving to the newest Utopia products as represented by the Scala (floorstanding 3-way)and Diablo (stand mounted 2-way)?
not forget and Maestro(already out, Nova EM(Stella) also will be out soon)

diference betwen micro and diablo is huge, diference between alto and scala is very big. Maestro do not have alternative in design. one thing I can bet- thee will not be any second hand utopia 3 for few years..
Elviukai, are you referencing the Micro Be model or the previous generation (non Be tweeter) model?
''The Mestro is out? Where can I go to see it? Anyone heard it?''

your local dealer should already have booklets.ans soon the speakers . as for sonic its definately will find customers even in modern style music or even studio motitors. thiny bass comparing with Alto Be is gone. it really kicks chest stomach on louder volumes.

I referencing previuos 2002 model Micro utopia Be Vs Diablo Utopia.
I thought the Micro Utopia Be was a great 2-way. It seems that with the newer generation beryllium tweeter, Focal n ow has something really unique. I have never heard a better upper octave response than with the Diablo.