Hyperion HPS 968 or Coincident Total Victory IV

I recently purchased a Consonance Cyber 211 monoblocks , they are 16 watts. I'm now close to purchasing a pair of Coincident total Victory IV's or Hyperion 968's . The reviews are positive for both speakers. The cost of the 968's is less then the victory's but I have read about QC issues.
I would like to get some comments from someone that has listened to each speaker or has had problems with the 968's.
My room is 11.5 ft wide x 18 ft long x 7.3 ft ceilings. The speakers would be placed along the short wall.
Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.

gotta say..like dave b, you're working backwards. coincident is a great peaker however, but don't buy any speaker just to mate with a flea watt amp. that said, the coincident will play well with just about any amp, if you're inclined to keep the monoblocks.
My friend, Paul Folbrecht has used the Cyber 211 with Hyperions, and was most pleased with the match. And, Paul is definitely one of the more discerning audiophiles I know.

However, as the former importer of Consonance products in North America, I obviously have a lot of experience with the Cyber 211 monoblocks. I also own a pair of Coincidents, and have mated the two together at various times.

Personally, I believe the Cyber 211 do best with back loaded horns - from the likes of CarderSound, Horning, Lamhorn, Beauhorn, etc.

In contast, I feel the Cyber 211 do not compliment most dynamic loudspeakers so well. By that, I mean, the amps are fairly bass shy and on the engaging/forward side in the midrange (the opposite of their sibling, the Cyber 845), which seems to wind up producing sound with not much in the way of foundation and being a bit too forward and lean overall. The richness and resonance of the mid/upper bass of backloaded horn can be most satisfying with these amplifiers.

And, for what it's worth, I think the Silverlines would be the poorest match of what has thus far been suggested. Though they've been touted as a good speaker for lower power tubes, my personal experience is that Dynaudio drivers, including the Silverlines, just do not come alive with low - moderately powered tube amplification. In fact, I think the speakers are best served by solid state.
To give everyone a little more history, I had a pair of Coincident Super Eclipse series II and sold them in 2003 and purchased a pair of Cain Single Horn Ben's. I liked the SE but I wanted more low level detail for low volume listening, at that time I was living in an apartment and used a Wavelength 300b with the SE . For 5 years I enjoyed the Cain speakers for low level detail and imageing but I was never satisified with the base. Now that I am out of the apartment and have my own home I can play my music as load as I want. I listen to mostly classic rock but when I had my super Eclipse I would listen to a little classical and I really enjoyed some choir cd's that were recorded in a church but with the Cains, a single driver leaves a lot to be desired for more complex music. I don't know if it was only having 10 watts with the 300b's .
So I sold my Cain speakers and a few weeks ago I came accross a good deal of Cyber mono's with 150 hours that look brand new for less then half price.
I am currently using the 211 amp with a pair of Monitor Audio Studio 20 sec that I purchase new in 2002. I was trying to build up a home theatre system but that never happened. I will admit that the 211 amp's sound good with the Monitor audio's .
and I have to listen to something until I get some speakers. I listen to music most of the time. I watch very little tv.
So what I want from my next set of speakers is the low level detail of the Cain's with the imageing of the Super Eclipse and thats why I was thinking of getting the another set of coincident speakers but then I came accross some reviews on the Hyperion speakers and how good they sound with the 211's and they are a lot less money.
I appreciate any suggestions.

Trelja...What amps are you using and which model Coincident are you using ??

If you can get in touch with Paul F. I would like to get his comments on the 211 amps and the Hyperion's.

thanks for the info.
The Consonance 211 SET amps were an excellent match with Hyperion 938s. Tonally, they were perfectly balanced, and the bass and bass dynamics were better than with 200 watt solid-state monoblocks. Power was never lacking.

John Potis also raved about essentially the same combination (968s) as did Steve R. of Enjoy the Music, who bought both the 938s and the 211s after reviewing both.

Someone who refers to a 211 SET as 'flea-powered' must not have a lot of experience with SETs and/or be familiar with speakers that are truly a bear to drive (usually meaning poorly designed).

[However, choosing speakers first followed by amplifiers that mate with them is the most sensible path.]