KT 150 Amp Options

It is tax return season, which usually means I immediately spend it all on a piece of equipment. I've been looking to upgrade to an amp that has been designed for the KT 150. They have been around for about 2 years now but I don't see a lot of amps designed for them. ARC came out with the REF 75 SE, which seems like a nice amp. However, I run an ARC SP3-C for my pre, which is an SE out. My understanding is the 75 is balanced which does not make them ideally compatible. I've been waiting for CJ to put out a KT 150, but am not sure if that is even on their radar. Any thoughts on a good KT 150 amp or any rumors on when the market will have some more options?
Tubegroover, I just wanted to let you know i ordered the Silver 88's from Mike Sanders today. I'll let you know how I like them after I get them in and set up, and played for awhile. Mike was great to deal with..
Please do Rudge along with your system. I'm planning on borrowing a pair from the dealer for an in home at the end of the month.
I just picked up the Silver 88s a few days ago for evaluation. My concerns were quickly laid to rest concerning a leading edge softening that I heard at the dealers. It seems the QS linestage was a major contributing factor to that impression after listening to that both the remote and regular linestage in a friend's system, an overall softening which has typically been my impression of QS over the years, musical but a bit lush.

Well the amp is a different animal with the KT150 tubes. The magic that I heard originally with the V4s carries over to the Silver 88s. This is one fine amplifier with texture and body AND superb resolution of the subtle harmonic details that gives greater insight into a musical performance. So I would say for the money it should definitely be considered by anyone willing to spring the price and wants to hear what all the fuss is concerning the KT150 tube. There is nothing wanting, as a matter of fact I spent all last evening listening, even missing the NBA conference finals going from one disc to the next.
Concur with positive comments above re the KT-150 tube. I just upgraded my ARC Ref 150 amp to SE status. The SE upgrade includes KT-150 tubes. Bottom line: my amp sounds noticeably better.

See the ARC Ref 75 SE and Ref 150 SE threads that are still active for more comments.
Tutbegroover - Please keep us updated on your listening impressions as you further evaluate the KT150 Silver 88s. Thanks!!