I moved now Kef sound bad

Hi I'm somewhat new to hifi.

I've moved and it seem that my listening room is now too big. Previously my speakers Kef XQ-5 sound great with good imaging and bass presence. My listening room was 11x14x8, now it is 21x 19 with 17 seeling. I'm using a Nad 90 watt receiver. I guess that I'm not feeding the speakers enought power!

A ny body ahad the same problem. How can I fixe it,??


Try moving the speakers closer to room boundaries to improve bass response. I think with eough experimentation, you can get them to perform reasonably well in your room.

Best of luck,
Move speakers as mentioned.I f not working looks like another/new amp,good luck,Bob
It looks like your room dimensions are not near the "golden ratio" for best Hz responce. The width and height are almost the same , which is bad news.

What is the db SPL of your Kefs? I doubt a more powerfull amp will solve anything. (Remember, if you double the power, you only get 3 more db)