sub wiring question

i just bought 2 SPL Velodyne sub ,im using them for 2 chanel music , the sub has SPEAKER LEVEL INPUT and RCA LEVEL INPUT , im using A308 cr musicalfidelity power amp , my amp has rca output , so my question is which way should i connect between SPEAKER INPUT or RCA INPUT , could you guys tell me which way the best for my sub , and without
affecting the performance of the amplifier ,Any help would be amazing.
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can you tell me what exactly SMS1 do ? i try to read SMS1 manual over and over again, does it really improve the sound quality?

The SMS-1 does 3 or 4 critical things:

1) A very flexible low pass crossover - frequency, slope, phase, & polarity all have very fine dgree of control. Some subs have this type of functinality built-in. Very few have this HIGH DEGREE of functionality. Critically important IMHO.

2) Parametric EQ. When added to the above, you can match the level of the subs to the main w/great precision. You can also choose a crossover frequency where response isn't too "lumpy" & use EQ to smooth whatever humps & dips ther are. This is IMHO critical to seamless x-over.

NOTE: You need a video monitor to take advantage of this. When the readout looks "flat" from the x-over frequency on down, you're pretty much golden. You also use the monitor to help place your subs for smoothest response before applying any EQ - again, very important IMHO.

3) EQ allows you to "fix" major humps and dips in the subwoofers output, without impacting the signal to the mains (if you run those full range or use a different high pass unit).

4) Depending on the sub, the EQ will allow you to boost the lowest frequencies to extend the botom end. I used to own 2 Velodyne 8" SPLRs and this was very important. I now own 2 12" Rythmik subs and this isn't really important at all.

Hope this helps.

I have another question on wiring the SMS. I'm using both the RCA and XLR on the SMS. One is for my two channel and one is for HT. Because I'm suing both does this fix the either xover @ 80hz or can I go into the setup and change the xover and slope?

The high pass filter (AKA - the low cut filter) for the main speakers is fixed @ 80hz, with (IIRC) a 6db/octave slope. This will affect only the low frequency roll off of your main speakers.

The low pass filter is variable for both frequency and slope. In the set-up menu, you can set preset #1 for your 2 channel and preset #2 for HT use. This will only affect the subwoofer's high frequency roll-off. When using the system, you can simply press either preset selector button #1 or button #2 on the remote to select the appropriate subwoofer roll-off.

