Freaky speaker experience:

I have the Nuforce 9SE pre's and amps. I had them attached to my Focal JMLABS 936; bi-wired at the speaker but single ended at the amp. They sounded soooo crappy (tinny, bright, fatiguing) that I was ready to toss them off the second floor window. :) Could'nt understand. For kicks, I single wired it using the original jumpers. Now they sound awesome. About 10 cd's later still awesome.????? They sound different but as good as my Totom Mani's. Any ideas about the bi-wiring? Too much juice going to the high end?
07-07-09: Kr4
The placebo effect works both ways.

To hear an effect that is the exact opposite of what is expected is an indicator that the placebo effect is not at work, and the reality is overwhelming the expectations.

If the placebo effect worked both ways, then the placebo control in medical double- and triple-blind studies would be unreliable for setting the statistical baseline.
I am going to have my wife try and trick me by bi-wiring and not bi-wiring; good suggestion. I want to make sure this is real. Plus play more music. But it was such a change that I believe it is real and not what I hope is real. I hated to think that I had to sell those huge heavy things in this market.....

No I tripple checked and the wiring has always been in phase.
Al- in your opinion when the speaker jumper is removed to bi wire would that change driver impedances the amp sees as now the crossover is presenting different cap and inductor values to the amp driving them which happens to be the same for both woofers and high frequencies;maybe that seperation of the drivers is causing a strange impedance presentation to his amps? Just a thought.