Wilson Maxx 2 vs Sonus Faber Stradivari

I listened to the Maxx and SF Elipsa before, but not to the SF Strad. However competition for the Maxx is probably the Strad and definitely not Elipsa. What I like about Sonus Faber design is the soulfulness. The Strad also has 4-ohm impedance with 92 dB sensitivity, meaning no need to replace my Pass XA60.5 which I very and very much enjoy. Does anybody have comment on those 2 speakers as to price to performance advantage? Secondly would it be too much to drive pretty Strad with the more gentle side of amplification such as Pass Labs design and Acoustic Zen Satori speaker cable.
Hi Spatine

Unfortunately what you have heard in your hifi shop trip is typical of the " hit & miss" affair of listening to systems at shops. Sometimes you get the great sound, sometimes you don't.

I own Strad's and run them with both Mac tube gear and cj tube gear.

The Mac tube gear sounds great and is not boomy at all - however it is a little slower in delivery due to the mid hall delivery of the electronics.

I have recently gone back to cj tube gear and the sound is better again. I little more control and life, mainly due to the fact the amplifiers are a bit more forward in the vocal delivery and feel faster. Purity is at an alltime high with this combo.

Personally I feel that the Strad's have plenty of detail and transparency for me and an organic feel that really allows me to attach to the music better than other speakers I have heard.
They can be seen as a little lean in the bass compared to the Wilson's, (definataly not boomy) so for my big room adding a REL subwoofer adds a nice sense of ease in the dynamic bass delivery that is pleasing overall to enjoyng music.

BTW, the pass labs XA60.5 wil be fine, however like any big speaker like this - going to 160.5 would be evern more heavenly.

good luck in your search.
Hi Shane...

Have u broken 300 hours yet? I have placed everything on new equipment rack...3" thick birch ply with black african sapele veneer and piano gloss finish. It sits decoupled on top of 1.5" slab of slate. Wow...took 4 guys to carry it. But it made the Gryphon less dark, added lots more detail, deepened soundstage and dropped the bass half an octave and cleaned it up. I was genuinely surprised in spite of everything I'd read about equipment racks and their benefits...fortunately it cost a LOT less than the reference brands...finite, HRS, and others I've considered.

Loving the Strads more now...that said, I was considering changes my cables to lighten up the system a touch...but now I want it to settle in before I try. If I do...any thoughts? I have old pre-XL Ref interconnects and speaker cables.

Your advice always appreciated!!!
Thanks, Kops! I will look into them...the key is finding someone in London who sells them.

Stealth Indra should be a great choice with Sonus Faber! You can also try Yter, which is the same cable as the one inside the Strads.

Good Luck and Happy Listening!