Wilson Maxx 2 vs Sonus Faber Stradivari

I listened to the Maxx and SF Elipsa before, but not to the SF Strad. However competition for the Maxx is probably the Strad and definitely not Elipsa. What I like about Sonus Faber design is the soulfulness. The Strad also has 4-ohm impedance with 92 dB sensitivity, meaning no need to replace my Pass XA60.5 which I very and very much enjoy. Does anybody have comment on those 2 speakers as to price to performance advantage? Secondly would it be too much to drive pretty Strad with the more gentle side of amplification such as Pass Labs design and Acoustic Zen Satori speaker cable.
Hi, now living with my second pair of Strad´s and here are the list of amplifiers i´ve tried on:

Krell Evo 402
McIntosh MC-602
2 x Accuphase A-60 in bridged mono
2 x Accuphase A-45 in bridged mono

In my ears there is only one of them who actually can deliver together with Stradivari....
There and then the MC-602 was nearly a perfect fit with Stradivari in my ears.
At second came the A-45´s, at third the A-60´s and
then the Evo 402.....
Hi...just an update on my own Strads and my question above about switching cables. I switched out my Mullard 7308 tube for an Amperex 7308 (US, gold pins)...that kept all the musicality of my Mullard and added "a light" to the voices and upper registers which is exactly what I was looking for. So (for now) I am done. Thanks for the advice.

I have listened to Maxx 3 driven by CJ tube equipment and the Maxx's sounded unbelievable. The CJ's were not delivering 400w so I do not get why the dealer made that statement. I have w/p 8 driven by Ayre mx-r and they sound great and I think mx-r has more power than the CJ's that were driving the Maxx 3. I think the mx-r would drive the Maxx 3 just fine.

I think there are probably a number of Maxx 3 owners who would question the need for 400w+ to drive them.