Suggestions for 'filling the port' of bass reflex

I've been demo'ing a pair of full range/single driver speakers for a few weeks and have now gone back to my floorstanders that have a port for the mid-bass and bass drivers...well, it's a little overwhelming now and I'd like to tone it down a little.

Suggestions for what to use....besides a sock?

Thanks, L'wood
First choice would be foam (packaging material but cut to shape). Second - crumpled up paper towel. Just remember it may come out if the volume is turned up too high. Third would be womans nylons.

BTW socks worked for me when I had Bic speakers 30 years ago.
I use a rolled up cotton terry wash cloth with good results. It still allows the cabinet to vent, but nowhere near as much.
If you want to, "tone it down a little"; Go to a fabric/upholstery shop and get some (loose-not "felt")bonded dacron( You can experiment with different densities, by rolling it tighter/more loosely, and damp the port to your tastes. Most other suggestions will turn your cabinet into an acoustic suspension design, and completely ruin the system designer's alignment. Have you tried lifting them off the floor and/or moving them away from any corners?
I use upholstery foam about 1 inch thick that can be rolled up and placed in the port. It works well.
I used expandable rubber test plugs available from the plumbing department in any hardware store to plug ports in my PSB Stratus Goldi speakers. They happened to be a perfect fit and made an airtight seal. They come in 1-1/2, 2, 3, 4" sizes and if they don't fit for you you can wrap an undersized plug with strips cut from bicycle inner tubes to get close, then turn the wing nuts to expand the plugs to seal the ports. This is a cheap and easy solution unless your ports are on the front and you don't use covers. Talk about low WAF!