Speaker cabinet construction..

Albert Von Schweikert has written an interesting paper on low-distortion speaker cabinet construction. It can be seen at the VSA Audio Circle:


Some pretty cool ways to control resonances. Enjoy.
After I finish reading white papers...they are used in an envirnoment more sutable for their purposes.
Not sure this can truly be considered a white paper as it was originally penned on parchment.

I missed your reply until today. You make a good point. Actually I have no axe to grind with VSA but, as you point out, perhaps I am overly distrustful of most technical claims made by audio manufacturers...especially given that most designers concentrate on aesthetics first and foremost.

Being a retired EE and putzing around with this hobby for over 40 years, no one is more skeptical than I am....trust me...so believe me when I tell you that Albert Von Schweikert, the "mad scientist", would NEVER put form above function. All you need to do is look at some of his previous speaker designs....zero WAF. His current designs are aesthetically pleasing to be sure but I wouldn't bet huge sums of money that he had a lot to do with the VSA aesthetics evolution. All the VSA speakers make great music regardless of price point, and tend to outperform speakers costing magnitudes more. That's my story and I'm sticking with it... :-)
All the VSA speakers make great music regardless of price point, and tend to outperform speakers costing magnitudes more

Agreed - they are indeed exceptional value and that is their main strength.