Perhaps your problem is not your equipment but either or all of the following: 1) listening position, 2) speaker placement or 3) room acoustics.
Have you considered hiring a consultant to help you design the appropriate room treatments and positioning of said treatments? They can even help you with ideal seating position. I used Rives and the results have been excellent. I am sure there are others that would do a wonderful job as well. I think it would be much cheaper than a new speaker and probably more effective in correcting what you dislike. You can always upgrade to a new speaker later but at least you will know your room is "right".
FYI, I have a 15 X 21 X 9 room and I have a large screen on my front wall and I have Wilson speakers. I have NO treatments other than bass traps in each corner. My room was bright and had a lot of slap echo but not after treatments, absorptive and reflective, strategically placed through out room.
Perhaps your problem is not your equipment but either or all of the following: 1) listening position, 2) speaker placement or 3) room acoustics.
Have you considered hiring a consultant to help you design the appropriate room treatments and positioning of said treatments? They can even help you with ideal seating position. I used Rives and the results have been excellent. I am sure there are others that would do a wonderful job as well. I think it would be much cheaper than a new speaker and probably more effective in correcting what you dislike. You can always upgrade to a new speaker later but at least you will know your room is "right".
FYI, I have a 15 X 21 X 9 room and I have a large screen on my front wall and I have Wilson speakers. I have NO treatments other than bass traps in each corner. My room was bright and had a lot of slap echo but not after treatments, absorptive and reflective, strategically placed through out room.