The journey continues...
I have purchased a Threshold T400 power amp. Like the MF A308 it is a dual mono design but the Threshold is pure Class A, as most of you probably know already.
It will be arriving at my house tomorrow and I am looking forward to comparing it to the A308. The A308 is an excellent, musical sounding piece though it is not "warm" and lush sounding like the Pass Labs amps I auditioned a few weeks ago. Threshold was suggested earlier in this thread and I figured I would sieze the opportunity once I found one at a reasonable price.
Stay tuned for more!
I have purchased a Threshold T400 power amp. Like the MF A308 it is a dual mono design but the Threshold is pure Class A, as most of you probably know already.
It will be arriving at my house tomorrow and I am looking forward to comparing it to the A308. The A308 is an excellent, musical sounding piece though it is not "warm" and lush sounding like the Pass Labs amps I auditioned a few weeks ago. Threshold was suggested earlier in this thread and I figured I would sieze the opportunity once I found one at a reasonable price.
Stay tuned for more!