Rockport's or Magico's

I have heard that these two speaker lines employ some state of the art design concepts.

Has anyone had a chance to compare the new Magico M5 and Rockport Altair at Goodwins or anywhere else?

How similar are they and where do they differ?

Thanks AO
I own Rockports and have heard the Magicos at length including a dedicated

listening session in a room setup by the "Wolfman" himself.

They to put it bluntly are "Digitus Horrendous". I'd look eslewhere if I was you

Not on the same planet as the wonderful Rockies.

End of rant,

I have heard the m6 and rockports at goodwins and also the m5 for 2 hours at another dealer. For my tastes, the rockports are more musical speakers. The magicos are too detailed to the point of listener fatigue that sets in after half hour. What good are highest resolution speakers if you can't listen to them. Rockports have dynamics and extension matching the magicos and have warmth and bloom that magicos lack. I was actually considering these speakers for my newly built audio room but I have found a pair of speakers I enjoy more than either of these speakers for a fraction of their price. Go figure-the most enjoyable and rewarding speakers are not these megabuck speakers stereophool and the crapsolute sound are drooling over.
The Rockports are massively deep at 3 feet, and would seem to need a particularly large room. They might sound great in the correct room, but they would not physically fit in my room. Only in comparison to Magico can they be regarded as a bargain. If you are in the US, European speakers tend to be 20-40% more in the US due to currency conversion, middlemen, shipping, and tarifs. Ditto for US speakers in Europe.

The Avalon Time may be an interesting upcoming speaker that is very similar to Isis, but probably about 30% less. There are some specs and pictures at audiofreaks. There are quite a few US speakers to consider with reasonable value.
Dracule1 you do not state what these fantastic much cheaper and better speakers are. the media has not pushed the rockports. infact almost no reviews at all(of their highend). 2 internet reviews, one of the altair in 2007 and a more recent discuss review of the arrakis on tas web sight(that i know of). hardly a push by the media. i guess i am your "sterophool" or your "crapsolute" as you so eloquently put it. to me you are simply knocking what you can't have or in you terms "ahh wannabe"!
Koegz, there was a bit of press (admittedly, not mainstream press) on the Internet for the Rockports after Jeff Fritz selected the Rockport Technologies Arrakis for his article on "The World’s Best Audio System 2009".

There is a review of the Rockport Technologies Ankaa Loudspeakers from June 1, 2009 on Ultra Audio.
