Speakers to build a $6500 system around

I am frustrated with all the speaker choices available in the $2k range. There's just too many! I listen to all music types but I lean towards jazz, vocals and reggae. I have a bedroom system consisting of an Rega Apollo cd player, Music Angel EL34 integrated pushing an old pair of Energy 4.1e's which I enjoy very much. However, this set-up in my larger tiled family room just doesn't cut it. Can someone recommend a source,full range speaker and integrated combo that can deliver "you are there" kind of sound for around $6500? My room is not ideal. It measures 16' x 20'. One side opens out to a dining area. I have to place these speakers against the long wall. I would really appreciate any opinions on speakers in the $2000 dollar range that I can really build something special upon. Thanks!
Speakers are rather personal and subjective, so you might want to visit a few hifi shops and hear many different speakers in your budget - actually if you want to buy them used, you can hear upto two times your budget, and get more quality.

If you consider using the playstation 1 as the source (which can be picked up for a song on Ebay), you will have more left over for the speakers. I would spend the most on speakers if I were you.

If you can place it on the short wall, they would sound better.

Here is a audiogon thread about Playstation 1, and how good it is.

There are a lot of options - especially if you are willing to buy "pre-owned" speakers that are a little cosmetically challenged. For sale on Audiogon right now are a pair of Allison Ones (1000USD) and a pair of Audio Note ANE speakers (1500USD). Both are designed for near wall placement and are not fussy about location.