Primaluna - Rolling pre tubes question...

I'm new to rolling tubes, and have been using the stock 12AU7.
I've a PL Prologue premium integrated with 2 12AU7's per channel. I want to test a new pair(before investing in more), so wondering if front or rear position would best reveal the new tubes character?

I've had great luck with ciftes in my prologue 3. The ciftes seemed to extend or clean up the top a bit and added what my wife and I could only describe as 'velvet' to the sound. Mind the break in time though, I have had the same experience noted earlier in this thread. I've found I need 100+++ hours before even starting judgment for either new or NOS. Broken in PL tubes sounded way better than NOS...for a while.
Thanks Kevin for the update. Mine isn't near broke in but so far I like the sound with the stock tubes. I ordered KT120s when Kevin shipped the amp but haven't rolled them yet.
My experience with Black Treasures versus standard Sino tubes is that the Black Treasures have more body to the sound - richer, more detailed
Thank you Kevin!
This thread has been very helpful for me.

And I have found exactly what you've described with the Cifte. I have them back in the center position, and they have settled in - Very happy overall.
I've lived with the Primaluna Premium integrated for about 2 years, heres where I have settled

1) tube dampers a must... subliminal screechiness for female chorus and strings otherwise that eventually becomes irritating.
2) Kt-150's work wonderfully all around for power tubes but give up some vs EL34 on the human voice. But the EL34 can't do cymbals right.
3) Telefunken 12AU7 hard to beat for all 4 small tubes
4) Amperex/Holland Bugle Boy 12AU7 in front sockets with Telefunken 12AU7 in back is also very good and a little more mellow