Nautilus & S series

Hi all,

I am new to high-end system and currently shopping for a pair of B&W speakers. The model of choice is 803. There seems to be a nautilus 803 and 803s out there. These two look completely identical and I did not confuse it with earlier model N803 which is a lot more square looking.

Would it be a same model but a number change only after 803D came out at year 2005? Please let me know if whether they are indifferent or not? Thanks a million!!

One easy way to tell on the outside of the cabinet is on the older nautilus series, the tweeter housing is sunk down into the top of the cabinet. Enough that you could see the veneer bandings that made up the top of the cabinet. The newer "S" series tweeter pretty much perches on the top of the cabinet.
There are a number of threads on this in the archives if you want to search.

It has been some time since I was "up" on the differences but let me make one clarification. The new models have dropped the "N" from the name, where the old model was the N803, the new is the 803S. That said, many have not recognized this and may still use the "N" in their ads, causing confusion.

The newer models have a new tweeter, different surround on the mid driver, new Rohacell bass drivers and new design crossovers. There can be more, these come to mind. While they look the same, there have been many changes.

An easy way to tell the difference is look at the model name stamped by the speaker inputs. Using 803's as an example, they will either say N803 for the older or 803S for the newer. The diamond series would be 803D.
Great post guys, thanks a lot. Many unethical sellers out there advertising N models in S model or use some confusing name such as N80xS to confuse people, the goal is to make more profits. I have recently encounted one unethical seller but when asking for providing an invoice of signed a bill-of-sale then they back off!

I am glad I did some researches...