Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison


I am looking for new speakers for my system.

After auditioning many famous brands I found the Magico V2 to be simply outstanding in my system. This is the best speaker I have tried in my own listening room. The second speaker I was comparably impressed were old Guarneri Hommages. Other speakers I have tried did not impressed me or simply played bad.

The room is 20’ long and 13’ width. The amplifier is 60W Jadis JA-80.

For my room I prefer monitor speakers than floorstanding. Doeas anybody compared directly side by side Magico V2 and Magico Mini II? I am especially interested in bass preformane. Is Mini II has less bass than V2 it will not suits my taste. The bass of the V2 is just enough for my room.

If somebody compared new Sonus Faber Guarneri Memento with Magico Mini II I will be also grateful for opinion.
Er,um...I was unaware I was supposed to leave feedback for those folks who "bought from me".All got "exactly" what was advertised,and great stuff!

EBM,give it a rest and be really happy I did not leave the feedback you surely deserved!I knew it would kill you if I did so(legitimately,btw)and decided not to do it.

Drop it,or I'll spill the beans!
Btw, EBM,

As stated by cooler headed posters,it would be in both of our interests to drop this NOW!!!.....(Jtimothya,nice to see you still posting....and,sorry for "this" absurd thread,but I have good reason).

I really don't want to persue this anymore and truly am sorry to ALL of the good folks having to put up with this.

Still,I have a damn good gripe,so let's just drop it here.O EBM,you can read my private message sent to you today.That will put everything in proper perspective.Not that you did not know that already,but if you continue to "push this here" I am not going to let you demean me,and will embarrass you with your underhanded ploys!

Let's at least agree to drop it here and now.OK?
HI i have MINI 2 with Rowland 8T 250ch damping factor of 100,20hzto20khz 8 ohms does a great job of controling woofer lots of slam. V2 V3 are easyer to drive.
During the dealer demos of the Mini 2 and the V2, I found the V2 was more forgiving of placement. The dealer said that is a result of the new tweeter which is very smooth and can be aimed directly at the listener. The Mini 2 tweeter was too harsh on axis and needed to be toed out lightly. I have not compared the two in the same system, so my opinion is not as valid as others here who have, but I preferred the V2 in its Spectral/SME/MIT system. It went lower in the bass, is slightly easier to drive, has a smoother tweeter, was less particular about placement and is far less expensive. I'm trying to figure out how to afford a pair.
Never had troble with my minis tweeter sounds great to me i love violin!!What about imaging and magic midrange!!