I understand James63, believe me! I am not a novice and have owned many $100K systems in various homes over the years...most of them box based. For orchestral, planars sound far more natural. Jazz also sounds more continuous and existing in the same space. In addition, my planars have more natural tone across the board..smoother strings, large soundstage, exceptional treble (best in the business), amazing reproduction of overtones and a quikness that adds far more coherency than most any conventional speaker system. Just play a piano piece and anyone who has been around live piano music frequently (that's me) can hear the difference...my 3.6R's give you the whole piano clearly, coherently and with accurate pitch defintion. Even squeezing a Baby Grand through a largish box design can be difficult. But, I will allow you to return to your regularly scheduled insanity with no further interruptions :O) No hard feelings, I remember my first couple pairs of Wilsons and then Dyn's, even my Dunlavy SC-V's etc.. When you want to believe in something bad enough you will...at least for awhile. My biggest pet peeve is that very little work is being done to really advance the state of the art in audio playback...month after month of cover stories featuring another groundbreaking box speaker (not). FYI, the best box speaker I've heard is Avalon with Spectral gear.