Magico Mini II vs. Magico V2 comparison


I am looking for new speakers for my system.

After auditioning many famous brands I found the Magico V2 to be simply outstanding in my system. This is the best speaker I have tried in my own listening room. The second speaker I was comparably impressed were old Guarneri Hommages. Other speakers I have tried did not impressed me or simply played bad.

The room is 20’ long and 13’ width. The amplifier is 60W Jadis JA-80.

For my room I prefer monitor speakers than floorstanding. Doeas anybody compared directly side by side Magico V2 and Magico Mini II? I am especially interested in bass preformane. Is Mini II has less bass than V2 it will not suits my taste. The bass of the V2 is just enough for my room.

If somebody compared new Sonus Faber Guarneri Memento with Magico Mini II I will be also grateful for opinion.
Why does every Magico thread end in a distaster. The brand seems to really polarize people. Dhaan, there are many legit reasons to criticize Dave_B, but putting him down because his system is not expensive enough is hitting 'below-the-belt'.

Magico has really pushed the envelope on speaker pricing, and perhaps that is where the animosity arises. I have pricey equipment, but I can see the value in everything I purchase. I personally do not see the value in Magico, but others may not see the value in what I purchase.

Another silly assertion is that people with some money can just throw their money around indiscriminately. Most people with money work very hard for that money, they spend alot of time researching their purchases, and alot of thought in purchasing things that are worthwhile. I believe alot of people with money are work-aholics, and take little pleasure in things outside of work. If you think there are all of these billionaires who are in their office, smoking cigars and practicing their putts, trying to decide whether to buy another house, boat, plane, or audio system, then you have been reading too much of the New York Times Op-Ed page.
Maybe you missed my trip down memory lane when I mentioned my ARC referemce setup or the krell Evo rig or any of the other numerous 6 figure setups I've owned. You can call my dealers if you like or maybe my bank account? The older I get the less tolerant I am of overpriced, overhyped audio gear. Perhaps if you were aware of audio's rise and decline over the past 2 decades you would understand a little bit better. Some of the most learned members of the audio community own planars i.e.Maggies and understand fully the squeeze effect I mentioned. People like George Cardas for example, owns maggies. Many of the audio industry people I have dealt with own maggies...they can afford anything, but they choose Magneplanars. Why? Because they sound like music and not like what YOU think music should sound like. Anyway, in the end I sold the million dollar estate, got rid of the Land Rover, cashed in my last foray into mega systems and bought some music making equipment that happened to cost a whole lot less...and it sounds better:O)
What do Maggies have in common withe the pyrimids there ancient history!!WAKE UP!!!
Talk about ignorance...there is no hope for the clueless coverstory audiophile. The latest piece of garbage with some new age karma attached to it will sell at least enough overpriced units to keep a company in business for a few years. Ever hear a pair of Bozak B313 speakers circa 1962? If you did you would understand that music reproduction and expense don't always make for a good marriage. Magnepan is not the new kid on the block, so ignorance sets in with the audio of the month club (I know, I was with 'em). The current generation Maggies (like the 3.6R's with the new crossover which none of the fools on this website even talk about) deliver music on such an exhalted level that if it's truly MUSIC you listen to, and not equipment, you would be enthralled. I'm starting to understand J. Gordon Holt's attitude towards the High End in his last few years on this planet...what a bunch of suckers we can be sometimes! My brothers Sansui Model 8 reciever wt Bozak speakers and a Garrard turntable hooked up with "out of the box" wires had more emotional impact than most current generation HiFi kit does today. The theory of relativity will never be "OLD", nor will Darwin's "Theory of Evolution". Magnepan remains viable based on innovation, refinement and passion. I sincerely question whether any of the members on this thread have ever wept during a live performance of Shostakovich's 8th do so would indicate an emotional sensibility in harmony with my overall disposition, which is a deep appreciation of music. FYI, pyramids (not pirimids) have stood the test of time. Me thinks Magico will not!
" but putting him down because his system is not expensive enough is hitting 'below-the-belt'."

And calling us, those who have bought the Magico's, on so called a Magico thread, fools is OK? I am not putting Dave _B down because his system is not expensive, I am putting him down because of his moronic comments on sound reproduction. I also, do not see how Magico is pushing any price envelope on their products. Building really good speakers is expensive. That issue has been beaten to death in these pages. Most here have no real expertise to assess the value of these products, other than how they think it sounds. How "they" think it sound is irrelevant. Case in point Dave _B. The Maggies do nothing for me. I would rather have a $1500 PSB then the Maggies 3.6. Does anyone care? I can also explain objectively why it is. Everyone should care, but some will not bother. Do you think that people like Dave_B, that are trying to " squeeze " a piano via a "box" will get it?