Speakers for bad rock recordings

I'm kind of stuck, my music collection is about 90% average and bad recordings, some very bad. I listen to a lot of rock, metal and punk. I live in an apartment too, which means I want them to be able to sound good at moderately low listening volume. I also like 'live' sounding speakers like my Klipsch's, but they do create a alot of fatigue.

I really like the way my Grado SR80's make even my worst metal recording sound good, so I was thinking maybe there's a speaker that's similar? Right now my amp is a Onkyo A-9555, which is neutral sounding and has about 85 real wpc.

I can only afford to spend about $600, maybe a little more if I have to.
Just throwing this out there, but have you thought about getting into vinyl at all ? Most of those recordings that you hear now ( guess you have them on cd) wont sound near as bad on vinyl, and will actually have more of a warm sound to them.

There is plenty of info in the forums here regarding vinyl setups on a budget, so it might be something worth looking into.

I am sure other members will add their input also......

Good luck.
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Classic vintage speakers from the 70s (JBL, Advent, KLH to name a few) tend to tame bad recordings without sucking the life out of them. I actually prefer to listen to poor-to-mediocre sounding classic rock and soul records on my modest vintage system rather than my modern "audiophile" system.