Speaker Burn In...

Hi Folks,

What methods work well with Dynaudio Focus 110 speakers to burn them in? I've heard it's a long process, so I want to do it right!

Some people tune the receiver off station for the FM hiss while not in the room.Others put the speaker facing each other,sometimes in a closet with the FM noise.I just enjoy them while they break in.If not over-driven,it's hard to do it
wrong.Just like Blindjim says,the drivers need to flex.
My C1's sounded real good right out of the box. I did run mine 7 X 24 for 400 hours. I will say between 100 and 150 hours they did sound pretty bad. That lasted for about 50 hrs. From there they only got better.
This issue is exactly why many seasoned listeners buy used speakers. Some new speakers take hundreds of hours for proper break in, and even longer periods, the larger the driver.
mmmmm... I would say seasoned listeners buy used to save money, not to avoid break in.
i would say the more you play the speakers the more they wear out as they are mechanical devices, the more the cones or diaphrams move in and out and flex-the spiders and the surrounds wear out. i dont believe in burning in a speaker...they just wear out...my speakers sound the same as when i purchased brand new, that they do now 20 yrs later.