Musical Fidelity a3.2 to 5.5 Integrated Amp Volume

I'm just curious if anyone can tell me why I'm experiencing lower volume output when I moved from the a3.2 which has about 120watt 8ohm power, to the a5.5 which has 250watt 8ohm power.

So I moved on to the a5.5 integrated after I found a good price for a used one thinking that I'd use the USB DAC, and the added benefit of a large power increase is usually a nice thing to have. I'm using the Totem Hawks which are 6ohms with @ 88db sensitivity. I went from usually just less than half on the volume knob with my a3.2 for maximum volume that I felt comfortable with, and now with the a5.5, I have to crank it well past half way mark with similar output in volume...

Is my mind playing tricks with me or is there something that I'm missing here, as I expected the volume to much greater considering my Hawks are at 6ohm power which is probably around the 300watt mark draw with this amp. It sounds nice though regardless, but I can't help but wonder why this was the case? ... or was the a3.2 really that good??
oh I understand it's probably nothing to worry about, but can anyone explain why this is occurring? One would expect a power boost... especially considering it's basically twice the power.

Does the whole "made in England" vs "Taiwan" thing have anything to do with it perhaps?
I forgot to mention that I'm asking this because I'm debating whether to keep the 3.2 or 5.5 as they sound similar in quality (in fact, the 3.2 has better specs - wattage withstanding)