Help me chose: Verity - PBN Montana - Gemme Audio


I am looking a pair of used speakers and the following are available near me:
Reference 3A Grand Veena - $6899
Gemme Audio Katana - $6054
VERITY AUDIO Fidelio - $4224

I do not have anything today :/ I miss listning to music through some "real" speakers. What I do have however is a source. I will use Modwright Transporter to play FLAC/Wav.

I would consider myself a musiclover foremost and audiophile second. What I mean is that I am not looking for a super detalied sound that will make bad recordings sound shit. I hate thin sound and treble that gives you headache. Detailed and organic is what I am looking for, I think. I want to be emotional engaged in the music.

I would rather give up some detail for speakers that breath life.

Bad recordings can not be fixed, that I know.

Sorry for my bad english, I am Swedish ;)



Not to worry - you have to thick skinned to be in this business :-) On another note have you actually ever heard any of my speakers ? same question to Grannyring and mtdking ?

And Pat - thanks for the kind words its greatly appreciated

Yes Peter. I owned the EPX for about a year. You make a very nice speaker to be sure. My comments were simply in reference to the others compared to PBN.

I found the others listed and my current to be more to my taste. In my system the PBN's were a tad froward and bright.

Again, the PBN speaker was impressive in many ways and for some the best of the group. Very subjective as you know.
Yes peter I have heard them and owned them and like Grannyring I just think some others are better and that Verity speakers are amazing. I didn't find your speakers bright per say but I found it lacking bass for the size and amount of bass drivers.

Peter I have owned your K2 preamp and Everest amp also. Now those were very good products.

For the record I have no problem with your ads. They are a bit odd but if it works. I just wish your speakers were smaller and didn't have so many drivers. What Verity can do with 3 drivers is just amazing.
Mtdking and Grannyring, then your comments are valid, my reason for asking is that I find that many on this forum just offer opinion without any solid background, like actually having heard the products they opine upon.

I would advise that our Swedish freind go and listen to all the speakers he mentioned at the start of this post, which ever one sounds right to him is the speaker for him, there is a reason that Baskin Robins offer 32 flavors :-)

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