Woofing "Q"

Todays query pertains to sub matching to a stand mounted two or three way speaker. Irrespective of room acoustics and crossover over or underlaping points and levels. What are the effects of mis matching Q or damping. Is it detremental to match a acoustic suspension sub with a ported monitor or must they both have the same box alignment. This assuming that a sealed box is quicker than than a bass reflex box. I curently am using sealed Yamaha 10m monitors with a Yamaha sub that has two 8 in drivers and a port. It is matched pretty well. The Cary 805c is telling me I need to step up my game, but I don't want to lose my alignment match. Halp before I make a 'greener grass' mistake.
Shadorne's comment re: "sealed subs only" is probably, as a practical matter, good advice for a music only system, but it may be a bit of an overstatement.

Who me ...make an overstatement...never !
LOL - Marty is right - my context is uncompromising bass response. I am not sure where the OP sits, and admittedly for many people "more bass" is better and a low Q device or a sealed sub may sound unimpressively bass light for their taste and $$$ invested.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing! You and I are the only two posters I can think of who always qualify their statements in a thoughtful and appropriate manner. Yay us!

I remember a white paper from Dunleavy on multi way speakers and his statement said that the only drivers that should be ported ( hi q) are the biggest ones. Does it make sense that you wouldn't want ported monitor and a sealed sub? idk Or does that only apply to mono amping?
Also I am using a SET amp so doesn't that raise speaker Q because of its hi output impedance. Of the speakers that are going to replace the Yamaha 10m (which are sealed) most of them tout " impressive bass for a speaker this size". Isn't that just another way of saying "kinda loose" Is that something that I want? My room is kinda small and a loose sub seems like it could get out of control real fast.

I'm pretty sure that trial and error is the only way to be sure that Q is adequately matched. That why I like variable Q subs, whether the Rythmik system, or SVS' open/blocked porting system. Either should allow you enough flexibility to find a good match with most main speakers. Also, both brands are sold direct with a money back in-home trial period. BTW, there may well be other brands out there with this feature, too - so I'm not suggesting that these are your only options. I will note that both appear to be highly regarded and that I'm personally very happy with my Rythmiks.

Good Luck
