Speakers for Rock Music

I am looking to get a second pair of speakers for rock music.All my electronics are rotel.I currently have the B&W 683's but am looking for something that will kick butt for 70's and 80's rock.Looking for full range speakers with lots of bass.Price under 2000.00 and will buy used.Thanks
Before you totally discount the 683s, my room is actually larger than yours and do have a pair of 683s. With 2 powered B&W subs spaced strategically in the room and Rotel 5 channel amp/AVR at 120 watts/ch all driven, the sound ROCKS for sure. Of course the reproduced sound has so much to do with the quality of the recorded CD. (I was thinking of starting a thread on that btw).

When I play Peter Frampton's Live CD or Toto IV-SACD, all I can say is WOW !! Between the bass produced by the subs and the detail produced by the 683s along with their own LFEs produced, I ask myself how much more could I ever want?
Actually I have decided to go with the B&W 804s.It is not that the 683's are bad in anyway as they are a wonderful speaker.I have found that after selling my Rotel cdp that the cdp was 90% of my problem combined with revealing interconnects.Just not a good combo and the 683s now do sound very.very good but on this journey I auditioned the 804s and just was amazed.I know I said 2000.00 and used but am now going above that and buying new as I am getting a pretty good deal and am making payments on them.I appreciate all the suggestions as there are many fine speakers suggested here.When I auditioned the 804s I took along some Ozzie Osborn and Scorpions and Led Zepplin cd's.The 804s really made the music shine.Also listened to jazz on them and was amazed.Thanks everyone.
Cerwin-Vega CLS-215. These are not just your dad's frat-boy speakers. The high end press has taken serious notice of these monsters:

Soundstage review
Soundstage measurements. Notice how uniform the response is at various levels of amplitude.
TAS review. Yes, a favorable review of a 2x15 Cerwin-Vega speaker from TAS!

Yet they are also around 93 dB efficient, are bi-ampable, can handle something like 500 watts, and easily reproduce strong bass down into the 20's. If that isn't a rock speaker, I dunno what is.
Shaunp: Just curious. Which Rotel CDP did you have that you now have upgraded and which one did you upgrade too? Thanks and all the best with your new 804's They are fantastic.
I sold the rcd 1072 and really did not upgrade as I am using a old Denon cdp that just is much better sounding to me.It was really just hard for me to enjoy the Rotel rcd 1072.To me it just sounded to cold and forward.The Denon on the other hand just lets the music flow.Of course there are better players out there but if its not broken why replace it.