some thoughts
Your open doorway is a wild card and provides for bass leakage. The doorway makes for a bigger room as far as the speakers sound waves are concerned.
Only in this hobby can "leakage" be a good thing. I guess depending on who is hearing the leakage (wife?)
If you leave things as they are, one idea; you will get improvement by putting in a sliding curtain behind the speakers, in front of the TV. The curtain will open from the middle out to the ends. Close it to listen to 2 channel music covering the TV and providing damping for the speakers. Open up from the middle when the TV is in use - but leave closed behind the speakers. Also I can't see to the left of the sofa but treatment on that back wall with a panel or thick curtain will absorb bass waves; allowing you to be play music at higher spl levels and the sound will be better defined.
If your only limitation for speaker placement experiments is the AC outlets/wall modifications, and it is
1) not an apartment with landlord who doesn't want you making holes in the wall or
2) a wife acceptance thing; then I would experiment.
For one test you could borrow a thick 10 gauge extension cord for your amp/receiver and DAC and temporarily place speakers at both ends shooting down the room. This will allow you to experience the room effects with the speakers. You can then decide if it is worth it to you to modify the AC locations to accommodate this.
Your open doorway is a wild card and provides for bass leakage. The doorway makes for a bigger room as far as the speakers sound waves are concerned.
Only in this hobby can "leakage" be a good thing. I guess depending on who is hearing the leakage (wife?)
If you leave things as they are, one idea; you will get improvement by putting in a sliding curtain behind the speakers, in front of the TV. The curtain will open from the middle out to the ends. Close it to listen to 2 channel music covering the TV and providing damping for the speakers. Open up from the middle when the TV is in use - but leave closed behind the speakers. Also I can't see to the left of the sofa but treatment on that back wall with a panel or thick curtain will absorb bass waves; allowing you to be play music at higher spl levels and the sound will be better defined.
If your only limitation for speaker placement experiments is the AC outlets/wall modifications, and it is
1) not an apartment with landlord who doesn't want you making holes in the wall or
2) a wife acceptance thing; then I would experiment.
For one test you could borrow a thick 10 gauge extension cord for your amp/receiver and DAC and temporarily place speakers at both ends shooting down the room. This will allow you to experience the room effects with the speakers. You can then decide if it is worth it to you to modify the AC locations to accommodate this.