Loud buzz and hum in my REL subwoofer

I recently purchased from this site a REL subwoofer. It work really nice for a few month but lately discovered that it was producing a lound buzz and hum, even when the Receiver is turned off. The only way to stop the buzz and hum is to disconnect the cable from the back of the sub.
has anyone experienced the same problem before? Could it be a cable problem rather than a sub problem ?
Thanks for your help.
I had a similar issue with my Strata III some time ago; turned out to be a bad connection in the neutrik connector. I would definitely try a different cable before moving on.

Best of luck.

Classic case of ground loop hum. Removing the second ground from the sub power cord will solve it.
Call Sumiko. I had the same issue and the lady at Sumiko that specializes in REL products (don't recall her name) knew exactly what to do.