Sonus Faber Cremona/JL F112 VS Sonus Faber Elipsa

Do you suppose that the SF Cremona (floor standing model) with the JL audio Fathom F112 sub would sound equal or better to the SF Elipsa without a sub. ?
I think the original Cremona without a sub sounds better than the Elipsa. For me, the original Cremona has the traditional full, round SF sound (even though some say it is colored) whereas the Elipsa has the new flatter, more detailed sound. Really depends on what style you like.

I currently have Cremona and love the Strad so was very ready to upgrade to the Elipsa, thinking it was a scaled down Strad. But with the new sound, I just kept my original Cremona.

I cannot compare the Cremona M with a sub and the Elipsa, since I do not like the sound of either. Lots of people like the new sound. Maybe they can comment.
I just added a JL audio Fathum F112 sub. to the Cremona's and they sound great. I have the crossover set for 40 hz so the sub. only adds what the Cremona's are not capable of producing and it is so far the best upgrade to my system. The other components in my stereo are: Mcintosh MC501 x 2 mono amps., Mctinosh C220 pre amp., Mcintosh MCD500 cdp/dac, Sonos music server going into the MCD500 digital input. I was thinking about upgrading to the Elipsa before I added this sub. but now I am not so sure.
I agree with Dtc.
Was disappointed with Elipsa, Cremona M, Guarneri Memento.
If a box speaker than let it have soul.
The original Cremona has beautiful full bodied mid range.
The bass is thunderous, no need for a sub. If anything it needs fine tuning in the room to not dominate the sound and start muffling the mid range.

Just my opinion.