Speaker Switch That Protects Tube Amplifier

A EE friend of mine and I are planning to build a switch box that will allow me to toggle between my Yaqin MC-30L tube amp and my Integra 50.1 receiver to power my speakers.

The current plan is a very basic setup that would require the tube amplifier to be shut down before switching so that it isn't left without a load.

The utopian goal would be to be able to switch between the two amplifiers with a single source feeding both (i.e. the Yaqin has an Apple Express for a source and the Integra has an Apple TV so both could be running from iTunes on my Mac) without risk of damage to the tube amplifier.

I'm assuming that this would be complicated at best and probably isn't worth it, but thought I should as before we purchase parts.
I had thought about the possibility of using relays, but I think I prefer the passive route. In any case, the parts are on order. Thanks for the idea.
Cool! Just be sure that using make-before-break switch between load on tube amp, and break-before-make switch between tube amp and receiver.
The plan is break before make with each channel on a switch. Should I be concerned with the tube amp not being loaded for a instant when the switch is toggled?
Each channel will effectively have three parallel switched toggled by a single physical switch.