Improving on the Sonata IIIs, which speakers?

I’m casually considering either a sideways or step up from the Sonata IIIs for perhaps not a very good reason… merely esthetics. A color change.

I don’t like the thought of losing the Esotar II tweeter, nor the ease with which a good amp can drive them with. I’d also hate to see a far bigger-taller speaker be the one to improve upon or equal them.

I listen near field equa distance from the speakers. They’ll reside on a short wall in a 14x21x8+ roughly, closed off room. I do have a sub.

I saw some reviews on the PSB line up from J Atkinson, & Wes Phillips on the PSB models retailing for $4K+, $5K & $7K…. which appeal to me somewhat… but I’ve like all other times not the capacity to personally audition the PSBs.

I’d also prefer not to invest further by very much, if at all. Hence the ‘sideways’ ideology.

Any thoughts here are appreciated. Thanks much.
This getting older business sure ain't for the youngsters. Reckon that's why they put it at the end so you can toughen up along the way.
That's pretty perceptive too, chief. Definitely gets the "best quotation of the week" award, and perhaps a nomination to Bartlett's Quotations.

Best regards,
-- Al
Thanks... but given the span of humanity I'll suppose someone else penned that one first.

reading the pages on the JMR speakers at the online site of Amhearst audio, just about makes your mouth water as you peruse the various levels in the JMR line. 3rd & 2nd from the top look very juicey. The RM 25 xl seems almost a no brainer for the $$$. Stereophile has placed the PSB Syncrony one on their class A speaker list. Datalus gets high praise too.

Looks like a guy could walk into a room with an offering from any one of these people and wind up not too bad off if at all.

Thanks. here comes the tuff part....
Blindjim, I was told that the price was going up when I bought mine - but not THAT much, but as to value, I'm not so sure. If I had that kind of money to spend I really don't know what I'd spend it on other than the Boleros. I'm sure they are out there somewhere but they haven't got my name on them yet. Sounds like Alan is having some success and feels the increase is warranted. Note he hasn't changed or deleted them! I'm obviously very happy with mine - :-).
I'm very very happy for you. Really.

$4K more for essentially the same item is not a price hike or increase. Hoepfully some uber crazy X over goodies are inside bettering the previous ones somehow. otherwise it's simply not justified IMHO.... there's been no inflation! Ask the U.S. govt. tHEY'LL TELL YOU.

Rocky won't pony up 3% for a cost of living increase, let alone 33%, so Jim can get better speakers! Trust me... I asked him already. he did say he was trying to give it back to me in health care savings though. helluva nice guy ol' Rocky.

I'm thinking we need a Mulligan, on that last election.