Harbeth - Compact 7 ES-2 used OR P3-ESR new ?

I can't decide which is best, both in terms of use and value.

Concerning Use:
The system will be setup in a small cubed room with less than ideal listening conditions. In all likelihood, the speakers will be close to the rear wall. In this case, I would think that the smaller P3-ESRs would be the best fit, but I've been told that the Compact 7s are a more capable monitor and one that performs well in tight spaces. I should also mention that I may be moving in a year, so I don't want to excessively limit myself based on room dimensions. I'm also not sure which speaker has the better technology - although the P3-ESR is new, the Compact 7 ES-2 is a model above. I would think that the Compact 7 ES-2 would excel in the lower frequencies, but I'm really not sure (I have yet to audition them).

Concerning value:
I can find a used pair of Compact 7 ES-2s with some minor cosmetic damage for about $700 less than a new pair of P3-ESRs. Naturally, the Compact 7s will be a better deal and retain greater resale value (not that I intend to sell them), but I don't want to buy the speaker if it doesn't align properly with my needs. That is, if the P3-ESR is the better fit, I would be happy to bite the bullet.

I would appreciate any/all feedback - especially from those with first-hand experience. Thanks!
Thanks for the feedback.

Yes, I eventually decided on the P3-ESR. Here was my reasoning (do let me know if you agree):

1) Only the P3-ESR would work properly in my existing space. While it's important to plan for the future, one cannot disregard the present.

2) The P3-ESR came with full warranty coverage/dealer support, whereas the C7s came with none.

3) I listen to music at low to moderate volume levels (even in large rooms). I doubt I would make use of the extra oomph that the C7s provide.

4) I prefer an organic or natural presentation that is not bass heavy (which reflects the kind of music I listen to). Although the C7s would probably excel in the low-end, this isn't a major concern based on my music preference and listening habits.

5) I managed to squeak out a deal on the P3-ESRs (less than MSRP and no tax). This made the financial decision a bit easier to swallow.

6) I'm always moving (5 times in the past 6 years). I can't be certain where I'll end up, so I really value the versatility of a small speaker.

For the record, Alan's comments had absolutely no bearing on my decision. I expected him to push for the P3-ESRs... he won't make any profit on a used pair of speakers!

Now, please provide some reassurance that I made the correct decision! Seriously, though, let me know what you would have done in my situation.

Thanks again!
Seriously, trust your instincts, I think you did fine.
If you like the harbeth sound, you're gonna love em!
One thing Alan is right about, even on iffy stands they sound great, of course, that being said, the better the stand the better the sound. And of course, he'd disagree..
Do enjoy!
Concur with Chashas1. Most important is trust your instincts. I don't think you would go wrong with the P3ESR. This new design features the first 5" Radial driver from the smallest box in the Harbeth line which deviates from the older P3's and is something really special. One of my friends who uses the 40.1 in his main system bought this P3ESR for his study replacing the Totem Model 1. A very nice and musical speaker which sounded excellent on vocals and small ensemble music. Of course, do not expect deep bass from the tiny little box but for overall coherence and musicality there are not many small bookshelves that can rival the Harbeth at this price point. In fact, none even in the higher priced-bracket will sound like the Harbeth's midrange. The C7ES are a bit larger and do offer a *slightly* bigger scale and deeper bass but can't handle big sweeps of orchestra or large scale ensemble either. The P3ESR are small speakers indeed, but they are small little gems.

Finally, the P3ESR comes in beautiful rosewood, and I thought they looked absolutely gorgeous in the finish compared to the standard cherry finish found in the bigger models(if this can be of further reassurance to you). I reckon anyone who ends up with a Harbeth, small or big will find long-term satisfaction with the speaker.
Really? I actually prefer the cherry over the rosewood, but that's just me. I'm not really a fan of the darker veneers.

Quick question... given the diminutive size of these little speakers, are speaker stands really necessary? I mean, I know that a sturdy base will improve the sound quality, but wouldn't a stand also 'drawf' the speakers? I'm just wondering how silly it would look to have such tiny speakers resting on a 24" stand.

This is just a passing question. I'm buying speaker stands regardless as SQ trumps aesthetics in my books.

I am interested in a pair of the P3ESR's for nearfield use on my desktops at home and the office.

So I too hope you enjoy them and look forward to hearing further thoughts and opinions.

Are you using your Naim Nait amplifier to drive them?

Assuming I also move forward and give the Harbeths a try, I would also love to hear more opinons on the best amplifiers for the magical Harbeth midrange.
