Harbeth - Compact 7 ES-2 used OR P3-ESR new ?

I can't decide which is best, both in terms of use and value.

Concerning Use:
The system will be setup in a small cubed room with less than ideal listening conditions. In all likelihood, the speakers will be close to the rear wall. In this case, I would think that the smaller P3-ESRs would be the best fit, but I've been told that the Compact 7s are a more capable monitor and one that performs well in tight spaces. I should also mention that I may be moving in a year, so I don't want to excessively limit myself based on room dimensions. I'm also not sure which speaker has the better technology - although the P3-ESR is new, the Compact 7 ES-2 is a model above. I would think that the Compact 7 ES-2 would excel in the lower frequencies, but I'm really not sure (I have yet to audition them).

Concerning value:
I can find a used pair of Compact 7 ES-2s with some minor cosmetic damage for about $700 less than a new pair of P3-ESRs. Naturally, the Compact 7s will be a better deal and retain greater resale value (not that I intend to sell them), but I don't want to buy the speaker if it doesn't align properly with my needs. That is, if the P3-ESR is the better fit, I would be happy to bite the bullet.

I would appreciate any/all feedback - especially from those with first-hand experience. Thanks!
Really? I actually prefer the cherry over the rosewood, but that's just me. I'm not really a fan of the darker veneers.

Quick question... given the diminutive size of these little speakers, are speaker stands really necessary? I mean, I know that a sturdy base will improve the sound quality, but wouldn't a stand also 'drawf' the speakers? I'm just wondering how silly it would look to have such tiny speakers resting on a 24" stand.

This is just a passing question. I'm buying speaker stands regardless as SQ trumps aesthetics in my books.

I am interested in a pair of the P3ESR's for nearfield use on my desktops at home and the office.

So I too hope you enjoy them and look forward to hearing further thoughts and opinions.

Are you using your Naim Nait amplifier to drive them?

Assuming I also move forward and give the Harbeths a try, I would also love to hear more opinons on the best amplifiers for the magical Harbeth midrange.

Hi Cwlondon,

Unfortunately, I'm still waiting for the P3ESRs to arrive (long story). I expect to have them within the next few weeks, so I will report back with my observations once I get the opportunity to listen at length.

To answer your question, I will be driving the P3ESRs with the Nait 5i-2 (60 WPC). In this instance, I think the spec sheets are misleading. The Nait 5i-2 has plenty of power, while the P3ESRs are easier to drive than the 83.5 sensitivity rating would suggest.

In terms of synergy, it really depends on your preferences/requirements. That being said, I would suggest either Naim, Sugden, or LFD as a start. Naturally, some models will pair better than others, so I suggest you research carefully and then audition potential candidates. You will have to decide for yourself which sound signature you prefer (and at what cost).

For Naim in particular, I suggest you visit the user forum. There you will find a wealth of information from a number of knowledgeable (and biased) gurus.

Good luck with your search!