ASR Emitter 1 , Does can drive B&W 802d ?

I want try B&W 802d with ASR Emitter 1 but i'm not sure ,
can it drive the 802 ? some says, it would can, but i heard
it with manger 107 that it is 200w in 4 Ohm & it almost drive it but near the maximum out put! & can it drive 802
500w in 8 Ohm & 90db ?
i need your experience thanks a lot
I would say better, it would be a shame not to realise the emitters potential. Ive yet to hear the 802d sound impressive.
Dealer can arrange a test in home for confidence
and whit your help i think It must work !
or may be have to change one of them !
have good time whit music
Good luck with your decisions. Personally I have listened to the ASR Emitter and then compared them to the Octave amps I am now using. I was on an upgrade path to purchase ML 33H's or Classe Omega series amps, until I auditioned the Octave maps. At that point I never looked back and that is when I realized that so many people are jaded in believing that because a certain speaker has one factor that causes it to appear that it might be difficult to drive, really have not heard state of the art tube equipment driving such speakers, hence my comments.

I was also ready to purchase MBL 101's and perhaps MBL 111's, but from my auditions, the N800's do so many things well, layering space and dimensionality, small voice inflections and breathing ques, timber and bass, all of those superlatives. That is why I sit back and laugh at those critics who claim to "KNOW" that certain speakers are just bad, when in fact they were probably not driven by the correct electronics or maybe have not heard them set up properly. There are so many variables to consider when making purchases. You would think that top of the line MP and MBL equipment would be an easy decision, however, I am methodicall and practical when it comes to spending my money. Plenty of research, evalautions and solicitations are asked for, such as you are doing.

The only way you will ever know, is to evaluate on your own, and be aware of the proper setup conditions for whatever you are evaluating.

thank Audioquest4life
I agree whith moor research to find the best possibility allways! But in
hear i can't find many options to experience different sound .

i like tube sound, but i listen to the complex ,fast music most of the time.
and my interest is the dynamic & fast rendering for best streem separation ...etc.
I inclined to solid state moor than tube but you know that ASR ( almost) known for both dynamic & tube like sound .
I found it almost warm and deep like tube
whith good deep bass . dynamic may be not like very fast solid state but its good & i don't heard many tube amp
to say how much is sound near the tube taste specially
compare it whith famous of them .
some thing that it's not clear for me is the softness of bass ( not a little ) and i can't hear very sharp the bass
attack when for example the bassist play whith pick in
musics that i heard much before !the demo that i heard was :
Shanling T300(whith tube in out put), HiDiamond cable & Manger 107
may be it was matching ? specialy manger , + cable & the tube Stage of source together !!

I want try it whith S1 source & Golden reference Cardas cable Whith 802 to may find that where it was came from !
of course S1 (marantz) isn't a reference source but maybe make change the bass!
what is your opinion about ASR ?
your choice is intresting , be happy whith this wonderful upgrade .
Ps68, please, the 802Ds crush the Martin Logan Spires any day of the week. I demo'd the MLs and couldn't believe how small the sweet spot was, if there was one. Sit slightly off-axis and the entire soundstage was a mess. Bass integration was a joke. Sadly the Spires reminded me of those cheap Bose sat sub systems in terms of bass "integration". I wouldn't pay $2K for the ML Spires, let alone $8K. I'd say the OP has made a fine choice in his speakers.