I evaluated the Winds (basic version) and a few other Totem models to potentially carry in my business (I am a by- appointment retailer). I liked 'em well enough, but, surprisingly, found another line that I liked even better: Canton. Without getting into specific sonic differences, the comparable Canton models sounded overall more musically satisfying to me, i.e. "better" in terms of what I look for in a loudspeaker. I am referring to the Canton reference series which starts at 4K for a two way stand mount and goes up to 36K. I have the 7.2 model which is a three way floor stander at 7K. Regardless of whether someone liked the sound of the Totem's better, in the build quality/fit and finish department it's no contest, Canton's all the way. At these price points I believe that's an important consideration. If you're going to spend Totem level money on a pair of speakers, it should be esthetically pleasing to you and be built to a very high standard. Note: I have not seen or heard the "design" version of the Winds. To each his own.