Thiel CS7.2 vs Revel Salon2

I currently have the Thiel 7.2 and am thinking about upgrading. Has anyone compared these two speakers in your own system or in a familiar environment? I appreciate your feedback. Thanks.
The 7.2 is a great speaker. It does alot of things very well, but with a couple of short-comings that are very expensive to solve. The Revel would probably be more of a lateral move, and you might lose that imaging capability. I came to the realization that one needs to spend significant money to clearly trump the 7.2. Think Avalon, Wilson, Magico, Rockport, etc. These are all very different speaker philosophies, so you need to listen to some.
Rtn1, I agree with what you said except for your comment about Magico. I think anything less than the M5 would be a downward move from what the OP already has.
Interesting thoughts, folks. Moving to Salon 2 is a lateral move? Very possible. I am going to audition it this weekend and will report my thought and experience.

I do like my 7.2 a lot. It is very revealing. After upgrading to a new phono stage, now it really sounds fabulous.

But you know how it is as an audiophile who mostly like to experience new components. So many great reviews and awards (like Cost-no-object Speaker of the Year)get me interested.