Magnepan, How Low Can You Go...power-wise

Hi Guys,

I have used a pair of Maggie 1.6s with a little Naim Nait5i (50wpc) and they sounded ok. I hear a lot of people saying you really need 250wpc to make them sing. I have the opportunity to buy a pair of Maggie 3.6s very cheap in another country where I spend some months each year. I was hoping my Simaudio i7 at 150wpc would be enough power for these. Magnepan won't answer this question firmly - what do you think ?
The guy that ran the Magnaplar User's Group over on was adament that the best amp possible for the 3.6/3.8 was our own MA-1.

We have lots of customers running our M-60s, using a set of ZEROs. My impression is (for the ones with single-ended magnets) that the speaker is really not that hard to drive, as long as you do not go above the 'knee' in their efficiency curve.

Above that point it takes a prodigious amount of power to increase the volume, as at that point the diaphragm has enough excursion that the distance from the magnets becomes and issue (the strength of the magnetic field falls off by the square of the distance- the push-pull units do not have this problem as the magnetic field is constant).

The speaker is otherwise a moderate efficiency, as you can add about 6 db to the efficiency numbers since it is a line source.

As a result, 80 watts is plenty in many moderate sized rooms.
Personal experience: I am running 1.6QR's with a Sunfire amplifier, biamped delivering 400W at 4OHMS to each speaker and they love it, I have as well discussed with Magnepan and they will never give a solid answer. A buddy of mine is runningthe 3.6R's and has 300W to each speaker and they sound killer, he attempted to drive them with a Krell 150W amplifier and found that they ate up the power and seemed to be asking for more.
Nick778's answer is interesting but simply doesn't apply to Magnepan.
The 1.6s simply don't go below 4ohms and have moderate phase angle to boot.
They may be power hungry, but certainly not a 'bad load'.

Also, Magnepan ISN'T electrostatic. Sorry.

The 1.6 / 3.6 are within a db or so sensitivity. If you are happy with your 1.6 with 50/side, than I see no reason you wouldn't be happy with 150 for the 3.6s in a similar room.

My original MG-1s were content with 60/side /8ohm rating for quite while before I got the upgrade bug.

Don't be stampeeded by power junkies. If you are not happy, try to borrow something with some more guts, but if you are happy, don't worry.
That being said, my panels love my 'd' amp. Lot's of 'em out there and even a few pre-loved which would mate up fine with either the 1.6 or 3.6 panels.
Size on a plane the issue? Try the small integrated from BelCanto. It is half rack width, has plenty of power and is a reasonably efficient ICE design. Some even have either a phono or USB DAC input.
Just hopping on here to thank you guys for the input so far - very appreciated.

To Magfan -I am going to check out the specs on that small BelCanto- thanks for the suggestion.