what has a Thiel soundstage, but more sensitivity?

i need new speakers, but i'm hooked on the Thiel sound. the only thing is, i think they strain my amp a bit too much, and i love my amp and don't wanna change that. =) [price limit for speaker upgrade 2000 Euro]

Pass Labs Aleph 5
ML 28 Preamp
marantz cd6000
PS audio DLIII DAC - [i love this box!!]
Thiel CS 0.5

i think this system would really breathe alot better with some more sensitive speakers, but i am simply in love with the big, beautiful Thiel soundstage. i know the CS0.5 are small, and i could and probably will go bigger since i believe the Aleph would prefer something with more sensitive drivers.

so, Audiogoners, what are your expert opinions?
I scrapped my 1.2's in favor of Coincidents. Very similar sound and much easier to drive.
maybe some of the Meadowlark speakers?? they have been out of business for several years and their speakers are available at great prices used. they are time co-herent designs ala Thiel but easier to drive.
thank you all, these are great recommendations. @ Cmalak; my thoughts exactly, and the CS 1.6 were actually at the top of my list. but i hadn't heard of the meadowlarks or coincidents, and hadn't considered Dunlavy or triangle.

feel free to add more to this list, considering the parameters i've described, and i now have a few new ideas thanks to you all!
I like the CS 1.6 recommendation as well since you've obviously fallen for the Thiel sound already. They may be more sensitive than the 1.5s, but you might want to check the impedance curve since they may also appreciate some juice. I like the Concident recommendation as well, but the Meadowlarks I'd be a little hesitant unless there's a good supply of replacement drivers out there.

Some other brands I've heard that image very well and are probably easier loads are Joseph Audio and Silverline. Something from Verity Audio or Reference 3a might be worth a look too, although I don't have as much direct experience with those.

Lastly, you might consider contacting Pass to see which speakers they would recommend for your tastes -- they're supposed to have very good customer support. Best of luck.