Technics SE A7000 amp better than ARC D200 amp

Hi guys, Im thinking of changing my amp in my system and I'm thinking about a Technics SE -A7000. Right now Im running a ARC D200 amp with a ARC LS15 pre, Teac VRDS 25x CDP and Maggie MMG's. I love the sound and dynamics that I get but it seems a little 2D not much depth. I remember the Technics amp from the late 70's to late 80's as being very good. Anyone have any comments or ideas.
Thanks in advance.
The ARC D series was very under rated. Unless you can arrange for an in system demo, I wouldn't even consider it.
I agree with Zd542. It would a lateral move at best and IMHO, a step, (or two) backwards.

You definitely would want to listen to it in your system first.
The ARC D 200 amp sounds great with Cardas Clear Light speaker cables and MMGs.
Dont forget to run the various resistors for best room balance.
It may also be worth to looking at the new Magnepan .7
with you gear try Tweeters on the outside.
Best JohnnyR