Jumpers and attenuators on Magnepans.......

Hi Guys,

I have been thinking about bi-wiring my 1.6s and a few people suggest I would be better upgrading the jumpers. I would like to know if I have downgraded my jumpers by putting on the attenuators supplied as stock with the 1.6s - these look like nothing more than a paper clip with a little block of chalk attached. If upgrading jumpers makes quite a difference then I suspect these paper clips are downgrading the sound, although they have helped with the harsh highs. Is it possible to buy better quality attenuators than the ones supplied by Magnepan as standard?
I had 8TC with my 1.6s and liked it but the bass was a bit thin, moving to Alpha Core MI2 was a big step up

The "paper clip and chalk block" things you're referring to are called "resistors," and they are available in different values (for more treble roll off) from Magnepan.

I have not had good luck using the Magnepan-supplied resistors (sound quality suffers) and I'm sure that there are better resistors of the same value and power handling capacity available if you want to buy and try some.

But one interesting thing I found recently was that using the Speltz Anti-Cable interconnects in combination with the Speltz speaker cables in my Maggie system seems to get rid of the excessive treble brightness without the undesireable sonic degradations caused by going through the resistors.
I forget, what amp are you using with your 1.6's and how many watts per/ch?
Sorry guys, what I referred to as attenuators are actually reisistors - can these be upgraded?